Top Weirdest Driving Laws in the United States

The prospect of being pulled over for a driving violation is something that the average driver seeks to avoid. Driving the speed limit and in a responsible manner are two basic ways to avoid this problem; yet some driving laws are so obscure that simply trying to figure out their relevance in 2016 can be a mind-bending exercise.

While there’s little chance that a driver would be stopped for such violations, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. This can be especially true in jurisdictions with a reputation for squeezing money out of unsuspecting drivers, particularly from those who are from out of town. It is best to keep diligent and have a car accident lawyer on hand to get you out of a jam.

Some of these bizarre laws include:

  • Passing a car in Rhode Island requires the driver to make some sort of noise while the other vehicle is being passed. Also, in the town of Scituate, no beer is allowed in a car, regardless if it’s opened or not.
  • The Midwest has an assortment of oddities in place, beginning with Youngstown, Ohio’s citation for simply running out of gas. In Missouri, a three-month jail sentence is possible-just for squealing car tires.
  • In Minnetonka, Minnesota, drivers will be cited if they leave any sort of debris, including mud, on the road. On Lake Street, a main highway in Minneapolis, it’s against the law to drive a red car.
  • The venting of emotions inside a car is a daily occurrence for drivers everywhere. However, in Rockville, Maryland, anyone heard using foul language in a vehicle could potentially spend 90 days in jail and receive a maximum $100 fine.
  • The town of Dublin, Georgia offers a superfluous law that bans any driving on a playground. Meanwhile, suburban Marietta allows those inside a truck to spit from the vehicle, while those in cars or buses are prohibited. Finally, politicians in the state’s General Assembly are immune from being cited while they’re in session.
  • Regarding unnecessary laws in the Deep South, driving while blindfolded in Alabama is not allowed.
  • Oregon drivers aren’t allowed to push their vehicle and have a time limit in place for keeping a car door open. Perhaps most bizarre is the fact that pedestrians have the right of way-if someone is driving on the sidewalk.
  • California is a perpetual target for bringing out odd behavior, with at least two laws in place giving credence to that perception. For example, nobody is allowed to sleep on the road while in Eureka. Statewide, jumping from a car that’s driving in excess of 65 miles per hour is legally forbidden.

The bottom line from this assorted sampling of United States driving laws is that changing times and a sense of humor always seem to go together. Now that you are aware of these laws, be sure to follow the rules of the road at all times to the best of your knowledge and ability. Should you find yourself in a car accident in Ohio, experienced car accident attorneys are by your side.

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